2019: last year in high-school
Not Your Average was born in my (Kevad) dads basement. Me and Anna arranged an 8-hour meeting to brainstorm solutions to fight the horrifying health statistics.
We had drunk several cups of coffee to keep ourselves going and wondering how to simplify a healthy lifestyle so everyone could do it. It got us dreaming "wouldn't that be cool if we didn't have to take tons of supplements and would just have to drink coffee?"
Wait...there is quite nothing like that in the market right now. We should do it then!
In a 2 weeks time NYA launched its first superfood coffees at an event in Tallinn, Estonia.

2020: diving into the specialty coffee world
At first we though that all coffee is the same. And, oh, how wrong we were! Volunteering in the best local specialty coffee roasters opened a whole new world for us! A world of toxin-free coffee, good taste, and complex aromas!
Fortunately, there's no way back to commercial coffees now!😉
PS! On the right you can see how we choose our coffee beans through research and several rounds of cuppings (coffee-tasting).

2021: staying true to our values
It's easy to get lost into the capitalistic whirlwind, and switch to cheaper low quality ingredients for profits.
But we believe in people, and even more we believe that they deserve to have the freedom to make truly (not just illusionary) healthier choices.
Because of that, all our coffee comes from small farms, and is tested for toxins to ensure there are no jitters, headaces and anxieties that mould in commercial coffees often causes (read more about it here).
In superfood coffees, the toxin free coffee grounds are enriched with premium organic superfoods that help the drinker get a mighty dose of antioxidants with every cup of coffee they drink! It's not magic, it's your new reality! ✨

2022: connecting with NYA community
2022 was filled with many exciting endeavours to connect open-minded and health-conscious people around the World.
One of many events by Not Your Average, was our very own conference Better You, where Estonian top-notch experts and speakers spread their knowledge along with healthy snacks and heavenly coffee-cocktails!🥂
This helped us realize that we are not making these easy habit-upgrading products for ourselves, but in order to help EVERY ONE reach their full potential and have the energy to achieve their dreams!🚀